Home Incense & Herbal Enchantments Candle Magick Pentacles & More Amulets & Talismans Tools for Practitioners Recordings Home of WHITE LIGHT PENTACLES/SACRED SPIRIT PRODUCTS INC. Excellence and Authenticity in Witchcraft and Magickal Supplies since 1981 e.v. "Traditional Magicks for the New Aeon" alem, Massachusetts 01970 Phone: 1-800-Mastery ( 800-627-8379 ) Fax: 1-978-744-3296 White Light Pentacles/Sacred Spirit Products Inc. Is proud to announce a magickal milestone of fantastical proportions The newly released epoch-making cd recording and long awaited sequel to Enchantress Spirit Nation by Salem's High Priestess of Song Cd includes ( click for song samples ): Between the Worlds, The Hallowing, Spirit Nation, The Mill Song, Wicca Love, Esbat Meeting Song, Meditation, Then ..., Fallen Angel, I Am Thy, Rainbow Bridge, Stellar Alight, A Hymn To The Morrigan, Of A Celtic Bent, We Won't Wait Any Longer $17.95 What some early listeners had to say after listening to Spirit Nation... "This CD is not only soul piercing it is soul uplifting, mind inspiring and very different. The Craft is privileged to have such a talented priestess in their midst. Blessed Be." - Maxine Sanders Priestess of the Goddess, Initiated, Consecrated and Dedicated to the work of Witchcraft, teacher, lecturer, author and more "...a wonderful and inspiring musical journey into the Underworld, and back out to a triumphant reclaiming of our Pagan place in the world!...It’s FABULOUS! You rock, Priestess!" (full review) - Oberon Zell-Ravenheart High Priest, award winning sculptor, author of Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard and other titles, Headmaster: Grey School of Wizardry "Once again, Gypsy enchants us with her lovely voice and rich lyrics. Her new CD is both witchy and romantic while giving a real sense of our Craft as mystic, magical, politically astute! ...I am so excited for you and the gift of your voice to our community. You have always been a trailblazer. I wish you abundant success with your new CD." - Orion Foxwood Faerie Seer, Root Doctor, Witch High Priest, author of The Fairie Teachings, Tree of Enchantment, and more "I received the CD and loved it. A classic album of Pagan songs and chants, sung beautifully by Gypsy, including a wonderful version of my Hymn to the Morrigan. Add this one to your Yule list!" -Isaac Bonewits Modern Druid Pioneer, ADF founder, High Priest, Poet extraordinaire, author of Real Magic, The Pagan Man, Essential Guide to Witchcraft, Essential Guide to Druidism, and more ...Isaac passed into Spirit August 12th, 2010...thank you, Isaac, for your beautiful songs! BB Gypsy
"I know Gypsy personally and really enjoy hearing her perform. "Congrats on your CD, Gypsy! Many Blessings!" - Selena Fox Circle Sanctuary founder, High Priestess, psychotherapist, teacher, writer, photographer, ritual performance artist, and more "Listening to a CD is the most intimate experience you can have with a musician. Spirit Nation is not only a sharing of life, but also a sharing of soul. Gypsy graciously shares with us, a new sound that can best be described as mature and affirmative - the beautiful lyrics and the amazing music of Spirit Nation can take you to places new and old by the hand of the most beautiful pagan voice ever heard."- Karagan Witch High Priest, actor, director, Chants of Old recording artist, Witchtalk Network blog radio personality and more “Spirit Nation” is the new CD by musician, singer, and Witch, Gypsy. It's an amazing work of art. Like the illustration on the CD cover ..., the songs are complex and beautiful tapestries...in each Gypsy brings her listeners a passionate, melodic, carefully crafted musical piece. The lyrics frequently reference the Goddess, the Four Elements, and other pagan themes. On first listening, the intricate and engaging tunes grab your attention. The second time, the lyrics begin to take shape; you find yourself continually pressing “Back” to listen to it again until you’ve learned every word." ( full review )- Valerie Hadden Examiner.com Boston Pagan reporter "I am half-way through listening to your CD and I am just about in tears because it is so beautiful. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Love from Nevada, Blessed Be!" - Bronwyn Witch High Priestess, teacher, entrepreneur “Spirit Nation” pulses with Magick. Gypsy’s pure celestial voice intertwines with melodic variances and poetic words to weave a mystical rhythm that truly touches the soul. Each carefully crafted song immerses one in an aura of musical sensations that transports the listener to sacred realms. - Lady Haight-Ashton Witch High Priestess, dancer, choreographer and author of If Mermaids Could Dance and A Witch's Diary Spirit Nation...14 new songs to sweeten the life and touch the Spirit of all! - Stephanie-Taylor Grimassi High Priestess of Italian Witchcraft, writer, teacher, entrepreneur , co-creator of The Well Worn Path, The Hidden Path, Crossroads Fellowship and more "It is finally here. I am so excited to tell everyone that Gypsy, the High Priestess of The Temple of Nine Wells, Witch, singer, song writer, musician and business woman has released her newest CD, Spirit Nation...an inspired work of art that everyone should have in their music collection... Spirit Nation is a beautiful, powerful and complex music CD that can be enjoyed both in and out of circle. Gypsy has successfully mixed musical styles ranging from avant-garde to traditional...Gypsy has proven that her musical talents are unlimited. This is a must own musical CD. I love Spirit Nation and I know you will too." ( full review )- Rev. Joe Estes Witch, web designer, Reiki healer, entrepreneur "...I have been looking forward to hearing ... your CD...and I am listening to it crying at how beautifully written and sung it is. It definitely has new twists and it truly is a magnificent representation of divinity. There is so much teaching and loving and self affirmations in this.... Well done Gypsy I am honored to know you...I feel a new level of respect, understanding and love for...the Craft and the Gods and the connections between all of it... Still listening to your CD over and over". - Gidget/Andrea Witch Priestess, dancer and teacher "Dear Lady Gypsy...This past Yule season we purchased a new altar pentacle from your store (traditional symbols) as well as your new cd. We are extremely pleased with the excellent quality of our new altar pentacle - now a much cherished item, and we are utterly addicted to your new cd! We have been long time fans of your first recording (Enchantress), and Spirit Nation has quickly earned a place in our hearts... Blessings." - Brett Morgan BEd., MA "Though the record is quintessential 'Gypsy', I feel like it's telling a story about all of us. I love that several of the songs build to a full choir of voices at the end! It makes you want to sing along at full volume!...I love that the music on Spirit Nation is so eclectic... Really fun to listen to!" - Jim Robitaille Witch High Priest, artist, cosmetics guru and more "I have been listening to the album and it is fabulous. I have to say that the things I love most are how you use the liturgy and other songs that are spells. Your work is just such a gift. Thank you...I am excited because I know people are going to LOVE this album." - Gwendolyn Reese, Priestess, Seeress, writer and more "I just finish listening to your CD and I am very impressed. I can't stop listening to Mill Song. Thank you for inspiring me once again with your voice and lyrics...I have gotten several friends hooked on the CD....a must have for all Crafters... Thank you for staying true to your style of music." - Tim Reagan, Witch High Priest , wildman and more This cd is meaningful, amazing, uplifting, deep, powerful because it is emotional and loving. Thank you Gypsy. This is perfection... Gypsy I love, love, love your cd! Your energy, the depth, the power, the emotion, the gift that you are, you are a gift to us all. - Susan Piro Medium, Psychic Reader, Witch Sister! I can't get enough of Spirit Nation. It's beautiful!..I know many people who I could send the Fallen Angel song to... friends that are lost or feel lost & drown their sorrows...Between the Worlds & Hallowing is the start of ones quest in Spirit...Esbat Meeting Song - Circle, sharing one love... We have thousands of authentic, effective and potent magickal supplies for you to purchase and knowledgeable practitioners from whom to order them. CALL US @ 1-800-Mastery (800-627-8379) fax us at (978) 744-3296. You may also email your orders to us at wlpssp@comcast.net and we will come up with a total for you and send you an email with a PayPal link or you may fax us your credit card information or we will work out another method of payment. Happy shopping! Blessed Be With Love from Salem, Yours in the Great Work
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