Home Incense & Herbal Enchantments Candle Magick Pentacles & More Amulets & Talismans Tools for Practitioners Recordings Home of WHITE LIGHT PENTACLES/SACRED SPIRIT PRODUCTS INC. Excellence and Authenticity in Witchcraft and Magickal Supplies since 1981 e.v. "Traditional Magicks for the New Aeon" Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Phone: 1-800-Mastery ( 800-627-8379 ) "The Pentacle signifies the rulership of Higher mind over the lower elements of Human Nature. The use of this Divine Symbol signals the awakening of Cosmic Consciousness and the Initiation of Human Consciousness manipulating its environment by reaching beyond the realms of physical form and perception limited to the five physical senses..." * *See more on the origins and use of the Pentacle... https://www.whitelightpentacles.net/witches-jewelry pentacles and more magi crafts pentacles & pendants We have thousands of authentic, effective and potent magickal supplies for you to purchase and knowledgeable practitioners from whom to order them. CALL US @ 1-800-Mastery (800-627-8379) You may also email your orders to us at wlpssp@comcast.net and we will come up with a total for you and send you an email with a PayPal link or you may call. In the meantime, happy shopping! With Love from Salem, Yours in the Great Work
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