Home Incense & Herbal Enchantments Candle Magick Pentacles & More Amulets & Talismans Tools for Practitioners Recordings Home of WHITE LIGHT PENTACLES/SACRED SPIRIT PRODUCTS INC. Excellence and Authenticity in Witchcraft and Magickal Supplies since 1981 e.v. "Traditional Magicks for the New Aeon" Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Phone: 1-800-Mastery ( 800-627-8379 ) Fax: 1-978-744-3296 Nu Aeon™ Collection Treasures of the Sage of the Pyramid Talismans These 2" talismans have been derived and revised from a collection published under the title of The Black Pullet. Although this class of talismanic magick was originally designed as amulets paired with complementary magickal rings, these images have been redesigned and reinterpreted with attention to detail so that each amulet is now self contained and fully functional on its own merits. Each beautiful engraved brass pendant comes with its own chain or silk cord ( depending upon availability ) along with instructions and activating Words of Power. $20.00 each
Protection Achieving Goals Astral Projection Clairvoyance Money Good Health Love "Though the origin of these hermetic designs is now a mystery, the symbolic artwork remains compelling and many modern magicians have achieved significant results through their use. We present them to you for your enjoyment and experimentation. May success be yours!" ... Magister Azaradel We have thousands of authentic, effective and potent magickal supplies for you to purchase and knowledgeable practitioners from whom to order them. CALL US @ 1-800-Mastery (627-8379) or fax us at (978) 744-3296. You may also email your orders to us at wlpssp@comcast.net and we will come up with a total for you and send you an email with a PayPal link or you may fax us your credit card information or we will work out another method of payment. We are in the process of creating a new shopping cart and web store, so please be patient during our transformations. In the meantime, happy shopping! With Love from Salem, Yours in the Great Work
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