Home Incense & Herbal Enchantments Candle Magick Pentacles & More Amulets & Talismans Tools for Practitioners Recordings Home of WHITE LIGHT PENTACLES/SACRED SPIRIT PRODUCTS INC. Excellence and Authenticity in Witchcraft and Magickal Supplies since 1981 e.v. "Traditional Magicks for the New Aeon" Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Phone: 1-800-Mastery ( 800-627-8379 ) Fax: 1-978-744-3296 Graven Images™ Sacred Image Plaques for Home and Temple These plaques are all hand made by Cypress Moon and details are individually hand painted Each one is a work of magickal art and not a mass produced reproduction imported from Asia. Baphomet Plaque $72.00 (quantity very limited) ( 12" x 8") Color styles vary
Goddess Pentacle Plaque $63.00 (quantity limited) (9.5" diameter) Shown in weathered stone finish "Ashtart, Astarte the Canaanite Goddess of love and lust is Great Babalon Herself, patroness and most beloved diety of those who frequented the ancient pleasure palaces and temples dedicated to the Goddess. It is She, who is the Scarlet Harlot, the Sacred Chalice in which the blood of the Saints is mixed"...Magister Azaradel Goat Plaque with Inverted Pentacle $32.00 (quantity limited) ( 7" x 5.5" ) Antique Gold "There is been far too much fear and disordered imaginings about the use of the inverted pentagram in magick. This is not a malefic or baneful symbol, rather it represents the animal nature of humanity and its need to be mastered. It has long been used as a sacred symbol in the Craft of the Wise. The goat's head that surmounts the pentagram in this piece alludes to the mysteries of Pan and the "Watchers" who once walked with, instructed and guided humanity and taught the arts of civilization to our spiritual ancestors in Atlantis and Lemuria. This friendly goat is a guardian of the practice of magick, reminding us that we are spirits clothed in flesh and that for humans Spirit operates in unity with matter"...Magister Azaradel Hekate Triformis Plaque $63.00 (quantity limited) (8" x 11") Shown in weathered Stone/Silver/Gold The Goddess Hekate is an ancient and most complex deity who appears in the myths and religions of many cultures. Her portrayal here as a three fold figure of awesome power shows her carrying two torches in her role as a "light bringer", "birth giver" and "motherly protectress", while also carrying daggers and flails in her chthonic persona as the "fearsome and dangerous crone ". Many practitioners consider her to be Maiden, Mother and Crone - The Triple Goddess. The Goddess Hecate is the Patroness and Protectress of All Witches and workers of magick. Spiral Goddess Plaque $29.00 (quantity limited) (4.5 " x 4.75") Red/Gold/Silver and Black/Silver/Red This intricate celtic knotwork representation of the Great Mother features a traditional Goddess figure with upraised arms and the spiral of wisdom in her belly.
Chalice Well Plaque $34.00 (quantity limited) Many have visited the Chalice Well, located in Glastonbury, England, seeking healing, new visions and renewal. It is said ancient priestesses of the Goddess used to scry in the waters of this holy well to divine the future. Enthusiasts of Arthurian legend will recognize its famous cover featuring the vesica pisces* (8" x 7") Shown in antique silver and antique gold on wood/weathered stone
*The vesica is a vulva-shaped space created by the intersection of two identical circles (the circumference of one intersecting the center of the other) and is associated with the divine feminine, being a vessel which contains the generative force. It also may represent the coming together or union of two opposites, such as spirit and matter or heaven and earth. For more Chalice Well magick click here We have thousands of authentic, effective and potent magickal supplies for you to purchase and knowledgeable practitioners from whom to order them. CALL US @ 1-800-Mastery (627-8379) or fax us at (978) 744-3296. You may also email your orders to us at wlpssp@comcast.net and we will come up with a total for you and send you an email with a PayPal link or you may fax us your credit card information or we will work out another method of payment. We are in the process of creating a new shopping cart and web store, so please be patient during our transformations. In the meantime, happy shopping! With Love from Salem, Yours in the Great Work
TM ***All prices subject to change without notice |